So, let’s wade into the weeds and see what these new technical terms mean.

Samsung HDR10+ Adaptive and Filmmaker mode

Let’s break this down first. Starting with HDR10+, which is an improved version of the HDR10 display standard. It reads the media metadata from the content source and dynamically presents each frame with its own brightness, color, and contrast. ALSO READ: Sony A8H review Now the newly introed HDR10+ Adaptive employs the TV’s internal light sensor to measure the ambient light and optimize the picture scene-by-scene, according to the guidelines set by HDR10+ LLC. This works in tandem with Filmmaker mode that is aimed at preserving the picture quality (including frame rate and colors) as their creators intended. For this purpose, it disables artifacts produced by motion smoothing. It was part of Samsung 2020 “QLED” LCD TVs as a dedicated picture mode. ALSO READ: Best TVs for gaming in India “As consumers spend more time at home, Samsung has been looking for ways to enrich consumers’ entertainment experience in the comfort of their homes. We are delighted to offer smart picture quality solutions that will enhance consumers’ at-home HDR viewing experience, bringing an original-quality cinematic experience to our consumers around the world,” says Younghun Choi, Executive Vice President of Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics.